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WS02 - Staying safe

Health and Physical Education, Foundation Year

By the end of Foundation, students describe similarities and differences between themselves and others, and different emotions people experience. They demonstrate personal and social skills to interact respectfully with others. They identify and demonstrate protective behaviours and help-seeking strategies to keep themselves safe. Students identify how health information can be used in their lives. Students apply fundamental movement skills to manipulate objects and space in a range of movement situations. Students identify the benefits of being physically active and how rules make play fair and inclusive.

Personal, social and community health | Making healthy and safe choices


demonstrate protective behaviours, name body parts and rehearse help-seeking strategies that help keep them safe


These annotations are interactive and link to a specific timestamp in the video. x

Recalls a number of close family members and a friend’s family member who can help, and includes extended family members as people who can help. 

5 43 5 40

Understands 2 emotional reactions when feeling unsafe.

44 58 5 40

Recognises a number of familiar people at school who can help.

60 80 5 40

Nominates a safe place at school, using school rules to define the safe zone.

81 124 5 40

Suggests a safe action when at a sporting event with unfamiliar people.

125 141 5 40

Shares a safe behaviour (calling out) if lost at the shops.

142 160 5 40

Nominates a person in a position of responsibility in a public place to ask for help.

165 180 5 40

Recognises that a police station is a safe place to ask for help.


183 188 5 40

[Teacher] Who are all the people that you know that can help keep you safe? If you're in trouble, who can you go to?


[Student] Ask ... some ... mums ... and dads to help me.


[Teacher] Ask your mum and dad or …?


[Student] Yeah.


[Teacher] Oh, yeah?


[Student] Maybe ______’s mum.


[Teacher] ______’s mum? Yeah. Anyone else in your family?


[Student] _____________.


[Teacher] Who are they?


[Student] Sisters.


[Teacher] Yeah.


[Student] Granny and Pa and Nan and Pa.


[Teacher] How do you know when you're feeling unsafe?


[Student] Mm … a little bit lonely. I'm scared.


[Teacher] Yeah. So, when you're at school, where can you go or who can you go to if you're feeling unsafe at school? Who can help you?


[Student] Mrs _____ and Mr _____ and Mrs______.


[Teacher] Ah, are they all teachers that you know?


[Student] Yeah.


[Teacher] Yeah. And where can you go? Where's a place at school that you feel safe? If you feel like you need to be safe? Where can you go at school?


[Student] Mm. Somewhere ... at the playground and the swings.


[Teacher] So you go to the swings? Why is the swings a safe place?


[Student] Because the big kids have 2 swings on that side. And our school …


[Teacher] Yeah.


[Student] … has two swings.


[Teacher] So the big kids can't go on your swings?


[Student] No.


[Teacher] So you are safe there?


[Student] Mm.


[Teacher] What about when you go to football and netball on the weekend for sport? What if you can't find Mum and Dad? Who do you go to there to try and find Mum and Dad? Where can you go?


[Student] Maybe just sit on the seats.


[Teacher] Stay in one spot?


[Student] Yeah.


[Teacher] All right. What about if you're down the street shopping with Mum and you can't find Mum anymore? What can you do to stay safe?


[Student] Um. Maybe ... just ... yell out.


[Teacher] Yell out for Mum?


[Student] Yeah.


[Teacher] Excellent. Yeah, that could work. 'Cos if you're in the same shop, she would hear you. That's a good idea. Who could you ask in the shop, if you couldn't find Mum?


[Student] Mm. I would ask the person who's in the shop for some help.


[Teacher] Yeah. Cool.


[Student] I would go to the police station.


[Teacher] Would they help, would they?


[Student] Yep.


[Teacher] Okay. That's a good idea.